UART Interrupt

[update] : interrupt driven uart communication is efficient. But implementing it is giving so many bugs. For the sake of time. I will stick to poll driven UART communication

This chapter answers the question : How does the interrupt handler deal with an interrupt from the UART?

The UART in this project can only produce 3 interrupts :

  1. Data Ready Interrupt
  2. THR Empty Ready Interrupt

The Handler can candle both of these interrupts.

1. The THR Empty Interrupt

[undone] : documentation rough_notes :

  • the UART gives you a THR empty interrupt by default (if it has just been initialized)
  • The UART dissolves the THR empty interrupt if you read the Interrupt Status register OR you write to THR register

2. Data Ready Interrupt

[undone] : documentation

3. Character Timeout

rough notes

the Write buffer