Allocating and Deallocating RAM Memory

Allocating means giving out free memory to processes or whatever.
We need to decide on the smallest unit to allocate at a time.

We have 3 choices ; we can allocate page-wise or byte-wise or both. For this project, I chose Page-wise allocation, Byte-wise allocations will be implemented in a future day... probably never..ha ha .

A page in our system is 4096 bytes long. ie 4 KiB

The allocation method

Algorithm name : alloc Inputs to alloc algorithm : the number of free pages required (required_pages)
Outputs of alloc algorithm : the address of the first page of a contiguous block of free pages (starter) main goal : return an address to the first page of a free contiguous set of pages : A RESULT VALUE (pointer/ error)


  1. Confirm that the number of required pages is more than zero.
    1. If number is zero or less
      1. throw an Error M1
      2. return the error to the calling function.
    2. If the number is more than zero... continue to step 2
  2. Traverse the array of descriptors found in the heap
  3. Try to Find a block of contiguous free pages
    1. If you find a block... skip to step 4
    2. If you traverse the whole array and you do not find space ... skip to step 5
  4. Do the folowing :
    • update the descriptors that represent the block
    • return the pointer to the first page of the block
  5. Do the following
    • return an error_M2 indicating that there is no free contiguous space.

The de-allocation method

algorithm : dealloc inputs to dealloc algorithm : the address of the first page of a contiguous block of pages that needs to be freed (starter) Outputs to dealloc algorithm : The Result Type (Ok/Error) main goal : deallocate


  1. Check if the starter address is valid or not.
    • If the starter address is a null pointer... go to step 2
    • If the starter address is an out of range address... go to step 3
    • If the starter address is a valid address...go to step 4
  2. Return a Result_Error showing that the process tried to deallocate a null pointer : Error_M3
  3. Return a Result_Error showing that the process tried to deallocate a non-existent memory location : Error_M4
  4. Loop through the allocated block page by page :
    • For every page...
      • clear the data by zero-ing the bytes within the page
      • Change the status of the corresponding descriptor to 'empty'
  5. After the loop, return a successful message Result (ok) type


  • dealloc function
  • alloc function

Testing this module

This module does 3 tasks. So we need to test all the 3 tasks.

  1. Task 1 was : abstracting the heap into descriptors and pages.
  2. Task 2 was : writing a function that returns the address of the first page associated with a free block of contiguous pages
  3. Task 3 was : writing a function that frees a contiguous block of contiguous pages
Test 1 : Testing task 1 :

In this test, we compare preconfigured data that we calculated in theory and hope that our alocation function produces similar data.
Confirm if the following values are similar:

  • The heap_start address

  • The heap_end address

  • The number of data pages

  • The number of descriptors

  • number of descriotors == number of data pages

  • Confirm that all the addresses of each page are a divisible of 4096

  • Confirm that all descriptors are initially set to 'empty'

Test 2 : Testing Task 2, the allocating function
  • confirm that submitting a zero to the function returns the appropriate Error
  • Confirm that submitting a value more than the number of pages found in a <128 MB heap will give the appropriate error.
  • confirm that certain descriptor change after allocation : we should have a "first" and "end" and possibly a middle. But not 2 consecutive "firsts" or "ends".
Test 3 : Testing Task 3, the deallocation function
  • confirm that submitting a null pointer yields the appropriate error
  • confirm that submitting a pointer that is not within the heap range yields the appropriate error
  • Confirm that all the data pages are indeed zeroed after deallocation and that they contain no garbage data or residue data.
  • Confirm that all descritors involved in the deallocation process are updated to 'empty'