Web assembly
- Lin Clarks blogs :
- Philip Opperman' blog on building an OS with Rust on x86 cpu
- Web Assembly paper on security
- Will wasm replace docker?
- Here is the definition of the API structures and functions
- Here is the other github Repo with the Implementation of WASI by wasmtime
- Web assembly security explained
Wasm Runtimes
Possible for Rust+riscv
- XV6 book rev 1 but find rev3
- https://github.com/Ko-oK-OS/xv6-rust
- rcore tutorial v3 (Rust + riscv)
- Implementation of xv6-rust
- Another Implementation of xv6-rust - MIT
- risc-v talk
- Stephen Marz Blog
- rcore v2
Risc v
- Why adding extensions to x86 is a headache
- Risc V official specifications
- Simple down to earth Blog
- Riscv down to earth Tutorial
- Riscv Control and Status Registers
- Riscv manual - by SHakti deelopment Team
Tock OS
Why Rust
Memory safety
- What is memory safety? - Mozilla Hacks
- What is memory safety? and why is it important? - Prossimo
OS reads
- [Processes](https://web.eecs.utk.e inspiring in the face of challdu/~smarz1/courses/cosc361/notes/processes/)
- Linker Scripting
Rust Error Handling
- Anyhow
ELF Files
- elf file format specifications
- The ELF file Specifications : (from Linux Foundation) (From CMU.edu)
- https://wiki.osdev.org/ELF
- Tools in inspecting Elf files
- multitasking
- Patterns..including the singleton pattern
- OS beginner mistakes... and debunking them
- How to conduct an Buffer_overflow attack
Global Alloc
curiosity over fear
innovation over practicality'
authenticity over professionalism
Learning over Grades