At first, this project had no name.
I do not even recall the month when I named it Hobo.
I wanted to call it Hope, but there was a guy in class with the same name. Naming the project after him would have been ... well... awkward.
And when I finally named it Hobo.
I did not know why I called it Hobo.
It just felt right.
With time it slowly became clear why that name subconsciously felt right.
It was because I was willing to go homeless for the sake of pursuing knowledge that I wanted.
I was willing to fail university and instead learn about low level development.
Even if it meant that my skills would not be as marketable as web or mobile development.
Even if it meant I got discontinued from university for failing to beat project deadlines.
Getting a degree is hard. The timeline for finishing the project was tight. 6 months are not enough to learn Rust, learn riscv, learn about kernel development, learn webassebly and implement a kernel that uses wasm.
It was clear from the beginning that If I did this project, I would not even come close to finishing it in 6 months.
I had other course projects to concentrate on too.
It was clear that I was going all in a fight that was 90% stacked against me.
A fight that I entered purely just to test my mettle.
People say, Hope is the last thing one should lose. They also say that pride comes before a fall. That It is better to be humble and read the situation and prioritize to do what is expected of you from people who have 'invested' in you (parents, guardians)
All that is bullshit. Nonsense. The above words stems from fear of failure.
THe last thing I will lose is my self-pride. My Ego.
And If I inevitably fall, I will fall with my pride ENTIRELY intact.
My pride will be my fall. And it will also be my rise.
Life is pointless, doing what is expected of you by others is only okay if that is what you wanted to do in the first place.
I have fallen.
But I have learnt how to write a kernel.
I have learnt a lot about rust, riscv, wasm, documentation, debugging, testing, api creation, error_handling, concurrency, virtual machines... the list is long.
I have fallen by the university standards of what success is.
But all I see is a landslide events of constant wins.
Among the best streak of decisions ever.
I can now somehow fly...
I have tested my mettle. I am going to be an awesome Systems Developer.
And I will be an awesome Developer. ✌🏾