Under the Memory Management

  1. Error_M1 :

The allocation function was requested to allocate no Pages. This is like going to the shop and telling a shopkeeper to sell you nothing. There might be a problem with the calling function.

  1. Error_M2

    • Reason for Error :The RAM has no contiguous free pages that are equal to the number of pages requested.
    • Possible causes :
      • The heap in the RAM has space... it is just that the available space is not contiguous. The available space is scatterd in fragmnets.
      • The RAM is fully occupied and there is no extra space.
    • Possible solutions :
      • Defragment the heap
      • Add more RAM to the machine
      • Close other processes so that some space in the RAM can be freed


  • Reason for error : The program tried to de-allocate a null pointer. You cannot de-allocate nothing.
  • Possible causes : The program written by the programmer tried to free an null pointer. Fix your code brah
  • Possible solutions : Fix your code... ha ha


  • Error : The program tried to access and deallocate an address that is not found within the heap section
  • Possible causes : The address is not within the address ranges specified by the linker script
  • Posible solutions : Find an address that is within the range : _heap_start and _heap_end. Moreover, the address should be within the segment of the heap where data_pages are stored.
  1. Error_M5